Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A time to heal

The big thing all over the local news has been the Sandusky trial.  Last night on the news they talked about the victims moving on and how the first victim is a hero and you know I'm so happy that this story has been all over the news, because it raises awareness and all the victims that came out are heroes especially the first one because it's hard to admit what you went through.
The whole story makes me think about my abuse for years because like Sandusky my "grandfather" was well respected and a man in power in the area.  That side of my family owned and still owns many school buses.  It was terrifying for me to come out and tell my counselor what I had gone through, then to have to go and tell the state police, it was hard and scary.  What made it worst was that I had gone through all of that as a child with my own biological father, who was a school bus driver, and owned many school buses.  He was found guilty and served only 5years in jail.  There was no news about this, everything was kept hush-hush, and I was told never to talk about it.  For many years I never spoke about it.  And very few people knew, I didn't even know who knew and who didn't, and life went on.  I grew up and my well respected, school bus driver, grandfather started the abuse, touching me, making me undress, and NO ONE knew.  I didn't dare speak of it.  What good would it do anyway?  Rick didn't face any real concenqueses...5years in jail, probation, and it's on his record, but that's it.  He didn't have to register where he lives, and he's still around school buses. 

I am so proud of all the victims that came out against Sandusky and shared their story of what happened.  I know how hard that is!  All of you were an example of what people should do when they know about any type of abuse going on.  There are many people out there who never step forward and tell what happened to them or never get help for abuse they are going through, everyone who out and spoke about what Sandusky did to them really I believe encouraged all those people to find their voice and to have the courage to stand up to their abusers. 

I want to thank all the victims who came out and spoke about stood up to Sandusky.  I also want to tell you all that the pain and suffering you're going though will lessen, and things will get better.  Don't be afraid of getting help or finding one person you can talk to.  Do what you need to to heal, and trust that not all people are bad.  

I wish I had had the strength to stand up to my grandfather sooner, but I know that even now I wouldn't have been able to, his power and strength scared me.  He has since passed on and I think that there is a God or some higher power that will punish him, at least I hope so!  


  1. Thank you for sharing your story here and how you get on with life. I have a friend I think can benefit from your blog I will pass it on to her. May the sun always shine on you so those dark clouds never darken you day. God bless you Hugs Carrie

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I do hope that my story will help others, please pass it on, I have it so you can follow by email only so no one knows who's following it. :)
      Thank you for your kind words :)
