Wednesday, May 9, 2012

You can never completely forget

Anyone who's been abused will never forget what happened to them.  They try but it will always be a permanent stamp on their memory.  Trust me I know this.

I thought that as you got older and everything wasn't so fresh in your mind the memories would fade; but they don't.  I have blank spots in my memory but the sad thing is some of what happened to me is burned into my mind and I can still remember everything happening clearly, sometime I try to change the outcome but it's like watching a movie in your mind and nothing changes :(  You can't change the past; I know that.  I know that thinking about the past doesn't help me to move forward, but there will always be something that triggers a bad memory.  Sometimes it's something that happens in a movie, on TV, or the news, sometimes it's a simple question that's asked, sometimes it's something that you learned and then you wonder if things would have been different had you known then.

I don't know how to handle these triggers.  They still affect me.  For as strong as some people tell me I am, when a flash back is triggered I don't feel strong at all; instead I'm left feeling weak, along, vulnerable, and ashamed.  Then for a while after I'm depressed.

I have a lot of experience in overcoming that depression.  It's hard.  Sometimes it takes time to overcome, but it's so important to get your happiness, strength, and confidence back.  Even more importantly you need to know that it's not your fault.

If you have a support system use them!  If you don't, then that makes it really hard and I'm sorry about that, you'll have to find a way to overcome that depression on your own, and that makes you really strong!

My tips on overcoming that depression
**go outside, get fresh air, and lots of sunshine**
-go hiking, horse back riding, or whatever outdoor activity you enjoy
-or just sit outside and read, paint your nails, or watch the clouds

**take vitamins**
-Vitamin D "the sunshine vitamin" 
Most people don't have enough vitamin D in their diet (especially us northern states) so this is a must!
Your mood will go up when you feel better.
Yes, Probiotics are for healthy digestion, and they help boost your immune system!  Even better (I just learned over the weekend from Chiropractor of the year(both in the US and internationally) Carol Ann Malizia) That probiotics help not only your body, but also the mind and mood of a person!  That was awesome to me, but I wanted proof of that so I searched and found Probiotics could be good for your mood.
We all know that when you're depressed that your stress levels go way up (at least they do for me) lower them naturally.

~you will notice that all the supplements I listed come from Shaklee, that's because of the science, quality, and PROVEN effectiveness of all their products.  Shaklee is the number one natural nutrition company in the US (Google it if you want to) and is the ONLY company I trust with my health and the health and safety of my family!~

**it's not always sunny and nice outside**
-do one of your indoor hobbies
-vent to someone who understands
-call a hotline if you have no one to talk to
-dive into your work

I'll leave you with these images I've shared on facebook:

I'm a horse person.
I think horses are the best therapy a person can buy.  They really are strong, beautiful, powerful, free animals, and when we're around them the give some of that to us.  They also listen without passing any judgment.
When you're not a athletic runner like me they give you the strongest legs so that you can run and make you feel like you're flying and will help you in letting go of all your worries.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NC vote AGAINST amendment one

One of my friends from NC shared this and it makes me really angry...what is our country coming to that they think that single women can't be abused??  Abuse can happen to anyone, man, woman, child, teen, straight, gay, of any religion, of any color, weather they are poor or wealthy....

NO MEANS NO and weather your married, single, conservative, or a hooker if you say no that means NO and that's everyone's right...

I think this is just NC, but as my friend shared with me "there have been several similar amendments proposed all over the country- some restricting the concept of marriage to heterosexual marriages and others are opening up the definition. Also, several states have lately been proposing bills to take away a woman's right to leave a marriage and also criminalizing single-parenthood."

What are we coming to? the first amendment is for FREEDOM of speech, religion, press, and gatherings...FREEDOM...why are we now trying to restrict that for certain people or bind them to a bad situation?  

Domestic violence can happen to anyone and EVERYONE should be able to get help and protection.  I have never voted but if I was living in NC again I would darn well be out there voting next week.  Here are a couple other post I've seen:

I hope that this does not pass, I hope that women, men, and children of all ages, race, status, religion and however else you want to classify people, will always know that they can get help if they are being hurt, that they aren't to blame, that they did nothing wrong and they weren't asking for it.  I think that's one of the worst things I've ever heard, "they were asking for it" NO ONE wants to be hurt (in any way).

Please spread the word to any of your friends in NC you can do so by sharing with them this facebook page.