Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last week in my blog I told you the names of my abusers and that they were bus drivers.  I was surprised to find that Rick was listed as the co-owner and manager of a school bus company.  As a parent it's very scary to think about how little you know the people around you and how abusers and how sex offenders can be anywhere. 

With technology growing it's no wonder parents need to be even more cautious and worried.  I saw this video going around on facebook and was so happy to have had family and friends share it.  I am a photographer and love taking photos of everything so I was sure to have shut off my location but it still makes me very nervous.  I hope that parents will watch the video on how easy it is to find your location.  Please make sure all setting on your children's and your social media pages are set to PRIVATE.  My cousin found that Rick was on facebook.  This worries me I think that there should be laws out to make it so sex offenders couldn't be but then it's the internet and people can always lie.

Sport fans please don't be offended, but why are people this passionate and proud to be standing for something but not for many other things?  I think every parent and survivor and teacher and person should be yelling and demanding for more awareness to sexual violence and the people who have been convicted of it.

I loved this post I saw on facebook:

I wish every state would do this!  I think it's a great idea!  I hate that sex predators can be anyone and blend into the crowd of people. 

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