Friday, April 19, 2013

What's wrong with this world? Boston Bombing :(

I don't have TV or internet at my house so when tragedies happen I'm left in the dark until someone tells me about it, I turn on the radio, or get out and get online. In many ways I think it's nice to have that because you can still feel safe and think that there is good in the world or be caught up in the fantasy of a good book where the bad guy is always caught and punished and good prevails. But then when you're tossed back out into reality and find the news, and facebook flooded with all the bad news of tragedies that happen you feel like an ostorage having your head pulled from a dark hole, and all you want is to go back to that safe bubble.

I'm not a stranger to the awareness of how sick and bad people in this world can be. I just find it so sad and very frightening that there are people out there who like to hurt others. And find it hard to accept that there are people who believe in religions that think that certain people or anyone who doesn't do like they believe deserve to be "punished" or anything! Sadly there are people in every religion who go to extremes and find justice in crimes that they commit. I don't understand how, nor will I ever. There is no excuse for inflicting pain and hurting others, NONE!

I don't know why the bombing that happened yesterday happened. Nor do I think that there is any that would make the people effected by it feel better. One of the first questions that comes to mind when something bad happens is "Why?" My question is "What Is Wrong With This World??" Really, why do things like this happen? What's wrong with people that do this? I don't understand our world at all...

The good news is that not everyone in this messed up world is bad. There are many good people and things in our world. Look around at a new baby, at a couple just getting married, at the EMTs, fire fighters, cops, and other people who rush in to help others when it's needed, look at a rainbow in the sky, or a child blowing bubbles. See someone doing something nice and unexpected for someone else or a hurt animal. There are many good things to find in the world. Look for the beauty in a new flower, the spring grass, photos of someplace exotic. There is the good news that while bad things happen, and unfortunately they happen way too often, that there is always 10 good things that you can find. Look at all the people that come together to help out, look at how a community will come together in hard times, this should give us faith in our world.

My heart goes out to all the people hurt in the bombing yesterday and to the family and friends of the ones who were killed.

May we one day live in a peaceful world where we can always feel safe.

May there one day be no more bad news.

May we all find love and compassion in our hearts.

To end this on a uplifting note, check out 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity in 2012 it's really touching

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