Monday, July 15, 2013

Get back up again...

Life can be hard sometimes, as many of you who read this know...
I've been hurt by the people closest to me,
the ones who should be there protecting me,
yet after all that
I picked myself up,
dusted off,
and day by day started holding my head a little higher,
as I started to make a better life.
I've seen people I care about pass,
seen them drink away their memories,
seen some turn to drugs and lose everything,
I've seen people get beat up by life.
It's sad.
I've seen beautiful souls taken from this life too soon.
Sometimes life is really unfair.
But the world keeps turning and life keeps going.
There's only one thing to do,
Get back up
Dust off
Hold your head high
and keep going strong believing that tomorrow will be better
Because even as I've seen all the pain and somber things above what keeps me going...
The sunrise in the morning
The promise of a new day
The smell of fresh cut grass
The feel of a horse under me flying down the trail
The soothing calm of sitting by a river
The colorful sky when the sun sets
No matter my failures I keep going
for the one day when I succed
for the day that I can have all my dreams
for the look on everyone's faces when I do finally meet all my goals and I can say "Told you so"
I keep going dispite the hard times
because of all the laughs and smiles durning the good times
I try to make the most out of life for those who were taken too soon
for those who don't make the most and just watch the days pass by
I keep going and I hope you do too.
Let your life be a message to someone else
Be an inspiration
Be an example
Be a survivor
and show those who are in the lows of life right now that if they keep getting up each day that it gets better.

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